Tiltbed Trailer
Trailer with a tiltable deck used to deliver/pick-up containers to/from the ground.
Timber Component Treatment (TCT)
Quarantine regulations established by the Australian health ministry (AQIS = Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry). Includes detailed requirements for the treatment of container’s wooden floors to avoid the proliferation of pests. Required for the containers to be able to transit through Australia.
Transports Internationaux Routiers (TIR) / International Road Transport
An international harmonized system of Customs control that facilitates trade and transport whilst effectively protecting the revenue of each Country through which goods are carried. In order for containers to be able to transport goods under custom seal they need to meet TIR requirements.
Total Loss (TTL)
Definition of the condition of a container when the repair estimate exceeds the fair market value of the repaired container.